Awareness on organ donation for school students of Geetha Matriculation School, Chennai

Updated on Friday, July 29, 2022
  • As a part of creating awareness among the public regarding organ donation and transplantation, an awareness talk was conducted at Geetha Matriculation School, Saidapet, Chennai on July 27, 2022. The team that gave the talk consisted of Ms. Lakshya Leo Gerald, a legal intern of the foundation, Mr. Pranav Sridhar K, an intern of the organisation and Dr. Hemal, Quality Assurance Officer of the MOHAN Foundation. 


    The talk was done with the aid of power point presentations and short films about recipients and donors. The audience consisted of students from 9th grade to 11th grade hitting a number of around 60 students. The students were given green ribbons and brochures about the foundation and the topic.  


    Dr. Hemal began the talk by giving a short introduction about the organisation and the topic and handed the audience over to Ms. Lakshya. 

    The concepts regarding organ donation, transplantation, whole body donation and brain stem death were covered. The talk also covered the topics related to what the youth of today could actually do in order to increase the rate of organ donation in India. During the talk, the students were given green ribbons to facilitate them to express their support towards organ donation and brochures about the foundation and the topic was given. 


    Following the talk by Ms. Lakshya, Mr. Pranav conducted a quiz on the connections pattern for the students. The students were divided into two teams for promoting enthusiasm and after clearing the misconceptions about organ donation through the quiz, doubts of the students on the topic were clarified. 


    After the talk, the team presnted a book to the Principal of the school, as a thank you gift. Thus, the event was concluded.


    Source-Lakshya Leo G
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