MOHAN Foundation, over the years, has been actively publishing empirical research and publications that aide in raising awareness and building a body of knowledge that can drive policy making in the field of organ donation and Transplantation.
Currently, there is not enough research available on organ donation and transplantation in the Indian context. Such research is key to identify, guide and assess the intervention areas, including policymaking, in this under-served area of healthcare.
MOHAN Foundation's flagship publication is the Indian Transplant Newsletter (ITN), which is being published thrice a year, since 1998, and includes contributions from medical and para medical professionals. The purpose of producing ITN is to provide the various professionals working in organ donation and transplantation with an opportunity to share and draw upon research, expert commentary and practical insights to enhance its reader's knowledge and understanding of various aspects of the field.
MOHAN Foundation strongly believes in promoting a research culture within the organisation and follows some of the best practices in initiating and maintaining a culture of research, with high importance to research integrity.
MOHAN Foundation�s Ethics Committee
The Foundation formed its Ethics Committee, comprising of external field experts, in July 2020, that is registered with the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Government of India). It primarily reviews proposals on social and behavioral sciences & research for health. The committee members as well as the Foundation�s staff update themselves on Good Clinical Practices and Indian Clinical Research Regulations for Research Ethics Committee.
SIRO (Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation) recognition by DSIR (Department of Science and Industrial Research), Ministry of Science and Technology (Govt. of India)
MOHAN Foundation has been recognized as an R&D Centre by the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology (Government of India). This recognition enables the Foundation to undertake research projects in the field of public health, with the support of grants from India�s apex research bodies like ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), New Delhi.
MOHAN Foundation has been conducting research on social, legal and ethics related to organ donation and transplantation. Its research is peer reviewed and published in leading Indian and international journals, with multiple citations.
Given below is a list of our work over the years �
Research papers/articles