Awareness Talk at Akshya Pratishthan, New Delhi

Updated on Friday, October 5, 2012
  • “Akshay Pratishthan”, invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness programme for their staff members on 4th October 2012.  Since this school is a study center for IGNOU School of Social Work’s open schooling curriculum, the session was also attended by a few B.S.W and M.S.W interns placed here.


    Ms. Pallavi Kumar, Executive Director explained the concept of organ donation, brain death, and age criteria for donating organs. She also briefed the group on steps to be followed prior to eye donation which can happen during natural death as well. Legal aspects and significance of the tests conducted to established brain death were also discussed.


    Few participants had a basic idea about organ donation and one of the teachers willingly shared her understanding and views on the subject at the start of the session.


    Ms. Manisha Gupta, Programme Manager touched upon the various myths and misconceptions that stop people from actively pledging their organs. Quite a few participants agreed that these were the main reasons they find even amongst their peers and hence our country has such poor organ donation rate.


    Out of a group of 50 members who attended the programme, 30 pledged their organs and took up the responsibility of being ambassadors for this noble cause.  The programme was very effective and made a huge impact on the participants.


    Ms. Vaidehi Subramani, Social Worker at the school has also welcomed MOHAN Foundation to conduct a competition for the students on the theme of organ donation as soon as they are able to make arrangements for the same.


    About Akshay Pratishthan: It was set up as a unique "experiment" in inclusion and inclusive education in the year 1998. Apart from education, Akshay Pratishthan is also a rehabilitation centre supporting about 800 children and is well known for its vocational training, medical care and employment opportunities.

    Source-Ms. Manisha Gupta
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