MOHAN Foundation Mumbai conducts Awareness Talk on Organ Donation at 7th IACI Congress in Mumbai

Updated on Thursday, September 28, 2017
  • On 16th September 2017, MOHAN Foundation Mumbai was invited by Dr. Hemant Telkar  to conduct awareness talks for doctors and technicians in the field of cardiac imaging at the 7th Indian Association of Cardiac Imaging (IACI) Congress held at SevenHills Hospital, Marol, Mumbai.

    After sharing a brief introduction about MOHAN Foundation and its activities, Mr. Amit Shenoy spoke about what is Organ Donation, why is it needed, who can be donors and the process of how organ donation and transplantation is done. He also discussed the various barriers, myths and facts relating to organ donation.

    He went on to share his father’s story and how he decided to work towards furthering the cause of organ donation after his father underwent a liver transplant last year.

    A lot of queries were asked regarding the process of organ donation as well as the process of registration on the waiting list. Mr.Amit Shenoy answered all the queries to satisfaction of the participants.

    We wish to convey our heartfelt and sincere gratitude to Dr. Hemant Telkar, Member, Organizing Committee of 7th IACI Congress for organising this fruitful session, thereby supporting the cause.

    Source-Mr. Amit A Shenoy
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