POSH awareness session

Updated on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
  • On 8th June, the virtual POSH session commenced with a very warm welcome by the Project Manager-Mumbai, Ms. Jyoti Shetty. She introduced Ms. Shreya Govind, who was invited by MOHAN Foundation to familiarize employees with the organization's policy and procedures related to POSH & its importance in the workplace

    Ms. Shreya, a management professional, having 18 years of experience in HR & L&D, a POSH Certified trainer & a part of the External Member of POSH Committee in various renowned organisations, began the session with an explanation of POSH, an in-depth overview of its policies and procedures, highlighted the key aspects such as complaint filing process, investigation procedure and confidentiality measures. She also emphasized on the organization's zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment, of a safe and inclusive work environment and the organization's commitment to preventing sexual harassment.

    A comprehensive discussion was held to define sexual harassment and explore various forms and manifestations of such behaviour. Real-life stories, videos & case scenarios were shared to enhance understanding and identify subtle forms of harassment. Also, the legal framework surrounding sexual harassment, including relevant laws and regulations, was explained to ensure employees' awareness of their rights and responsibilities.

    The workshop covered the procedures for reporting incidents of sexual harassment, including available reporting channels and the support systems in place to assist victims. The facilitator emphasized the importance of confidentiality. A few participants shared their personal experiences of sexual harassments in their previous workplaces too.

     A dedicated question and answer session was conducted, allowing participants to seek clarifications and share their thoughts on the workshop topics. The facilitator addressed queries and concerns, fostering an open and engaging dialogue

    The workshop concluded with Ms. Jyoti Shetty giving a vote of thanks to Ms. Shreya Govind & the participants too. The facilitator too concluded with closing remarks, emphasizing the organization's commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive workplace. Participants were invited to pledge their commitment to upholding the organization's POSH policies and fostering a respectful environment. Around 45 participants were present.

    Source-Ms. Jyoti Shetty
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