Organ Donation Information Stall at Community of Dreamers

Updated on Saturday, July 23, 2022
  • MFJCF was invited by the Community of Dreamers to put up an information stall on organ donation at their exhibition was on 23rd and 24th of July 2022.

    Around 7000 people visited the exhibition during both days and visited the information desk. Minister of Women and Children Welfare Ms. Mamta Bhupesh and Mr. Rajiv Arora also visited the stall on the day of inauguration.

    While visiting the Organ Donation stall, people asked the following questions:

    •           How can one become a donor?

    •           Whom to contact in case someone wants to donate the organs?

    •           Till how long can the organs be donated?

    •           How to pledge for Body Donation?

    Around 100 people picked up donor cards while visiting the information stall.

    MFJCF is thankful to the Community of Dreamers for inviting us in their exhibition.

    Source- Mr. Divyesh Markana
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