MOHAN Foundation was invited to conducted an Interactive Session on Organ Donation at Jayanagar Residence, Bengaluru

Updated on Sunday, August 7, 2022
  • On 29th July, 2022. Mrs. Neha invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct awareness for the members of their family and Jayanagar 7th block Bengaluru. MOHAN Foundation was represented by    Mr. Marulappa LN (Transplant  Coordinator) and Mrs. Ranjini Shankar M S (Project Manager - Bengaluru).

    Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS initiated the session and by introducing MOHAN foundation  kept the audience engaged throughout the session. The following concepts were discussed in detail :

    • Importance and need for donation,
    • Eligibility for Organ Donation
    • Concepts of brain stem death and circulatory death
    • Common myths that prevalent in the society
    • Jeevasarthakathe and  its functions
    • The importance of a donor card.

    The audience were very interactive and posed several questions. To name a few

    Discussion with the audience:

    • Does my age/fitness level disqualify me from being a donor?
    • What is the process for Living Donation and what organs can be donated for being a live donor?
    • Do they have to pay for the organs?
    • Whether the donor’s hospital charges will be taken care by recipient’s family?

    Close to 38 members attended the session.

    Donor cards and brochures were distributed at the end of the session.

    Source-Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS
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