MOHAN Foundation Conducts Organ Donation awareness session at DEE Piping Systems Pvt Ltd, Haryana

Updated on Wednesday, August 6, 2014
  • On the August 05, 2014, an awareness session on organ donation was held at the office of DEE Piping Systems Pvt Ltd in Palwal village of Haryana, conducted by MOHAN Foundation, Delhi-NCR office.


    DEE Piping Systems have made a name for themselves in the piping manufacturing industry with more than 30 years of expertise under their belt and a leading spot in the respective market hierarchy. DEE Piping Systems facility is located in Palwal village in Haryana state and caters to both domestic and international market with products that assures quality and assurance.


    The session was facilitated by Ms. Charu Agarwal who introduced the MOHAN Foundation staff and set tone for the presentation. Ms. Pallavi Kumar, made the presentation. She was accompanied by Sonam Choeden and Tenzin Dharpo.


    The session covered key issues like need for organ donation, organ donation rate, brain death and myths surrounding organ donation. The proceedings were very interactive and the session included a moment when a participant said that brains could also be donated which added a lighter note to the afternoon. Some of the participants were quite knowledgeable hence the discussion touched deeper levels of organ donation and its underlying subjects.


    The participants were keen to know as to which hospitals in Faridabad (the nearest big town) had this facility. They were told that the team would get back to them with this information.


    50 people attended the talk and 48 cards were picked up after the session.

    Source-Mr. Tenzin Dharpo
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