Angels of Change Volunteer Training for Participants of the Transplant Coordinators’ Training Programme

Updated on Friday, May 31, 2019
  • An “Angels of Change” volunteer training programme was organized for the trainees of the One-month Transplant Coordinators’ Training Programme on 29th May 2019 at D.G. Vaishnav College in Chennai. Around 24 trainees, who were a mix of students, social workers and dialysis technicians participated in the training programme.


    Dr. Hemal Kanvinde initiated the session by asking the students to go through the module designed for the “Angels of Change” programme. The module consisted of the basic awareness techniques, facts and FAQs related to organ donation and donor stories.


    The first activity involved the participants writing a thank you letter to the donor family after reading a few donor stories from the module. Each student wrote a thank you letter to the donor family in languages familiar to them. The trainees were then explained about presentations which would be displayed in schools and colleges and seminars for spreading awareness on organ donation and transplantation. The presentations included the basic information on organ donation awareness and each trainee was made aware of the organ donation helpline number (1800 103 7100) of MOHAN Foundation.


    Dr. Hemal Kanvinde spoke about various tools of awareness and their sources and the ways in which the message of organ donation can be taken to the various sections of the society. The trainees were asked to design and plan the activities that they were going to work on, which would effectively create awareness about organ donation. The group was divided into teams and each team described their chosen way of communicating to the public.


    Some of the awareness programs listed by the trainees were:

    • Rallies
    • Seminars in schools and colleges
    • Street plays
    • Mimes
    • Distributing brochures/pamphlets
    • Short films
    • Documentaries
    • Social media challenges


    The trainees were asked to organize these activities, following which they will be awarded with the “Angels of Change” volunteering certificate after completion and documentation of two activities each.


    The session concluded with a discussion on the importance of raising awareness and the teams engaged in certain educative games that are used to involve children during the awareness programmes.

    Source-Haider Ali Khan
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