​MOHAN Foundation conducts an Awareness Program at DG Vaishnav College, Chennai.

Updated on Wednesday, May 25, 2022
  • ​On May 24, 2022, students and faculty of social work department, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai participated in an awareness programmer organ donation. Dr Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer, Mr Ganesh C, Marketing Executive and Ms Preetha Baskar, Project Executive of  MOHAN Foundation conducted the session.  The seminar was organized as part of the department’s SWASTI (Social work Association for Student's Transformation and Innovation) activity. A total of 83 students and faculty attended the session.

    The program started with a welcome address and speaker introduction by the office bearer of SWASTI. Dr Hemal Kanvinde started her talk with an introduction to the activities of MOHAN Foundation  followed by on Concept of  Organ Donation. She explained why, what, when and how organ donation can be done. She spoke of the Law and  offenses and punishments under the Act. She explained the basics of Brain Death and its difference from coma. She also talked about the functions of MOHAN Foundation. She dispelled the myths on organ donation and narrated a donor story.  The talk ended with the screening of a film on brain stem death. 

    The discussion points  after the session were: 

    1. Is there a national registry in India? And is it open for all?

     2. Is it possible for diabetic patients to donate organs? If yes, what organs can be donated?         

     3. Within how many hours should the organ organ donation and transplantation be done?           

     4. What are the contraindications for organ donation?  

    5. Is there any system or regulation that shows the transparency of allocation of organs?     

    6. Is consent required from family members in case of living donation?

    7. After multiple organ donation,can the body be donated to the anatomy department? 

    8. If a person  is in critical condition  due to organ failure, will he receive an  organ  out of turn?9. How will the state authority allocate organs?

    10. Is it true that a living donor should donate only to their family members

    11. How can bone marrow transplant be done?

    12. How to prevent graft rejection? What are the consequences of graft rejection?

    13. What is the  legal process for living organ donation?

    Dr Hemal started the next session by explaining the case studies of actual organ donation and  grief counseling. Three different case studies were put forth and questions were raised to the audience. These cases highlighted the need for education and awareness. It was an interactive session where the audience learned by answering questions.

    Ms Preetha conducted a  fun  quiz session. Students actively engaged in the session and answered questions. They enjoyed the session. A short video of a heart transplant recipient was screened after the quiz.

    Mr Ganesh briefed the courses offered by MOHAN Foundation to improve the career  prospects of MSW students. He additionally emphasized the value of the helpline number and how to use it efficiently. At the end, 36 numbers of donor cards  were picked and the students supported the cause.

    MOHAN Foundation thanks the college management, Dr B Sulu Priya, HoD and  Dr Madhusudhanan  staff incharge for their coordination and support.


    Source-Preetha Baskar
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