MOHAN Foundation conducts awareness talk on Organ Donation for Club members of Rotary Panchkula Midtown

Updated on Thursday, December 1, 2016
  • On 30th November 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Dr. Ashish Gupta, Past President of the Rotary Panchkula Midtown to give awareness about organ donation & transplantation to their club members. The Club involves in social and charitable activities and service of mankind in and around Chandigarh and Panchkula.

    The session was taken by Mr. Sudhir Dewan, He explained the concept of organ donation, brain death, myths and facts related to organ donation, statistics of the country in regard to organ donation, difference between cardiac death and Brain death, special mention about eye donation, and how to Pledge your organs.

    Mr. Dewan shared his own story of what he went through when his own liver failed, how he received a transplant, and how he was motivated to join the cause of organ donation.

    We wish to convey special thanks to club members of Rotary Panchkula Midtown for this wonderful initiative supporting the cause.

    Source-Ms. Deepika
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