MOHAN Foundation celebrates Tamil New Year with auto-rickshaw drivers with gifts of lemon squash and water

Updated on Saturday, April 25, 2015
  • In the hot sun of April the auto-drivers were in for a surprise. MOHAN Foundation conducted an organ donation awareness talk for the auto-​drivers on​ Tamil New Year, 15 April ​2015. Ms. Kavitha, Marketing Coordinator and Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Head Quality Assurance Manager, MOHAN Foundation conducted the talk.  ​They approached ​ 15 auto-drivers Kilpauk to speak to them about organ donation.  


    The following points​were mentioned:

    Types of donations - live and deceased donation.

    Difference between natural death, coma and brain death.

    Importance of donor card, helpline number and website.

    Importance of keeping hydrated in the summer season.


    ​After the talk, the drivers registered as organ donor​s and picked a donor card. They also displayed the toll fee helpline number sticker inside their auto​rickshaw.  After each session, Lemon squash and water bottles were distributed to all auto-drivers. The lemon squash was made by the staff of Chennai office of MOHAN Foundation and water bottles were sponsored by TANKER Foundation. 15 drivers pledged their organs.


    Source-Kavitha S.
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