Donor Memorial

  • Mr. Vineet Kumar   - 28 Years

    On November 15, 2023, Vineet Kumar experienced two unfortunate falls on the road in his village, rendering him unconscious and leading to subsequent vomiting at home. The aftermath revealed he had suffered an internal head injury. Quickly, he was admitted to a nearby hospital, which, recognizing the severity of his condition, referred him to NIMS Hospital in Jaipur.

    In the hospital, Vineet Kumar was kept on the ventilator support and on November 22, he was declared brain-dead by the treating team at NIMS Hospital. After the confirmation of brain-death by conducting two apnea tests, members of the MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum (MFJCF) were called to initiate counseling for organ donation.

    MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum (MFJCF), an NGO dedicated to raising awareness about deceased organ donation in Rajasthan, collaborated with NIMS Hospital administration to provide vital information about organ donation to Vineet Kumar's family. Following this counseling session, the family made the compassionate decision to donate his organs.

    One of Vineet Kumar's kidneys found a new home through successful transplantation at CK Birla Hospital in Jaipur, while the other kidney was allocated to a patient at SMS Hospital, Jaipur. His liver was transplanted at Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital, and his lungs were retrieved by KIMS Hospital in Hyderabad, where they were transplanted into a patient in need.

    In a poignant ceremony, Vineet Kumar's body was draped in the Organ Donor flag as a symbol of the precious gift he offered even after his passing. Members of MFJCF attended and supported the farewell of Vineet Kumar from NIMS Hospital.

    NIMS Hospital ensured that Vineet Kumar's body was respectfully transported to his home.

    In tribute, we salute Vineet Kumar, our hero, who bestowed the gift of life upon four individuals through his selfless act of organ donation after his untimely demise.


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