Talk on Organ Donation at Civil Hospital, Gurgaon

Updated on Tuesday, January 24, 2012
  • On 21st January 2012, a talk on Organ Donation was given to the doctors of Civil Hospital, Gurgaon. Doctors including the PMO (Principal Medical Officer) of the hospital attended the talk. Among those present were the Surgeon, Gynaecologist, Ophthalmologist, Forensic Medicine specialist and Orthopaedics specialist. It was an interactive session with most of the doctors taking part in the discussion especially on topics like the THO Act, Brain Death and Eye Donation.  Ms. Pallavi gave a detailed report on the activities of MOHAN Foundation and how the foundation liaises with government to pass favourable legislations and also introducing the concept of retrieval centre at the Civil Hospital in the near future.


    Discussion followed on the possibility of the Civil Hospital being part of the Deceased Organ Donation Program. It was generally agreed that before that happens, Eye Donation could certainly be encouraged. The hospital has a dedicated ambulance for this purpose.

    Source-Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi
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