MOHAN Foundation invited to conduct awareness session on organ donation at State Bank of India, Akashvani Chowk,Nagpur

Updated on Monday, July 3, 2023
  •  On 21st June 2023, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr.Raju Yadav of Bank manager of State Bank of India Akashwani Chowk Nagpur, to  deliver a talk on organ donation for staff of the organisation. Mr Bulu Behra was the key speaker.

    The following was discussed in detail:

    • What is organ donation? Who can donate an organ?
    • What is brain death and natural death?
    • After brain death, which organs and tissues can be donated?
    • What is the difference between coma and brain death?
    • Is organ donation possible if the patient is in a coma?
    • Live person, which organs can be donated, and what are the criteria for live donation?
    • Information regarding body donation and eye donation
    • What are the legal and ethical implications of organ donation?
    • What does the Transplantation of Human Organs Act of 1994 say about organ donation?
    • What is the role of NOTTO, ROTO, SOTTO, ZTCC, and the MOHAN Foundation in organ donation?
    • Historical aspect of organ donation

    The session was interactive the participants asked the following questions:

    • Where is the head office of MOHAN Foundation?
    • After transplant what is the life span of organ recipient?
    • If anyone indulges in trafficking of organs what are the implications?


    Close to 8 people were present in the session out of which 2 people pledged for organ donation. Mr Bulu Behra motivated the participants to contact the MOHAN Foundation for any queries and visit the website for a through understanding on the subject. Mr Behra thanked Mr. Raju Yadav for the opportunity for the talk. Brochures and donor cards were distributed at the end of the session.

    Source-Mr. Bulu Behera
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