‘We Can’ Trust motivates students of Siga Animation to pledge Organs

Updated on Wednesday, September 24, 2014
  • “We Can” Trust  was formed by a group of friends  who work for the development of the youth.  The trust continuously initiates different campaigns on current social issues.  Mr. Pragasam, President requested Cadaver Transplant Programme to conduct a session on Organ Donation to motivate the student to think about the cause. The programme was held on 14th September 2014 at Siga Animation Centre Taylors road. Mr.Prakash K. Transplant Coordinator from MOHAN Foundation, Chennai facilitated in the programme.


    The programme began with a welcome address by Fr. Jerome,  Principal of the college  who explained the importance of event  followed by organ donation talk by Mr.Prakash K.


    The following topics were covered in the session:

    • Activities of MOHAN Foundation across the country to strengthen the Deceased Organ Donation programme
    • Types of Organ Donation - Live and Deceased Donation
    • Difference between Brain death, Coma and Natural Death
    • Importance of the consent from the family
    • Importance of pledge forms and cards & Helpline Number
    • Which tissues and organs can be donated


    At the end of the programme Mr. Prakasham shared that he wanted to conduct several programs with different target people.


    120 students participated in the programme and 95 picked donor card. The people who pledged their organs were appreciated with certificates and there were also 4 reporters from different medias and they covered the entire programme. 

    Source-Prakash K.
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