MOHAN Foundation Conducts Awareness Sessions on Organ Donation at HSBC India, Hyderabad

Updated on Tuesday, September 8, 2015
  • MOHAN Foundation conducted two awareness sessions on organ donation on August 13, 2015 at HSBC Electronic Data Processing India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr. Kenneth Vamshi to sensitize their employees regarding the concept of organ donation.


    Dr. Koti Reddy along with Dr. Preeti conducted the interactive session with asking simple questions about organ donation. Dr. Koti Reddy explained the employees about the purpose, necessity, importance, complex issues in deceased organ donation, concept of brain death, cultural and religious barriers, THO Act and myths related to organ donation.


    Employees responded enthusiastically and a lot of employees that attended the session said that “this session was an eye opener for them about organ donation and have gained a lot of knowledge.”


    There were more than 500 employees that attended two sessions conducted separately. When we started distributing donor cards, a lot of employees expressed their willingness to pledge but did not want to waste paper. They were instantly explained on E-donor Card app. Many of the employees instantly downloaded the app and pledged.


    This session was conducted successfully with the efforts of Mr. Kalyan, Mr. Shekar, Mr. Vishal and Mr. Kenneth and we thank all organizers and employees that have participated in this event for a noble cause.

    Source-Dr. Koti Reddy
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