​Talk on Organ Donation at Skills Development Training Centre ​ of ICICI Academy

Updated on Saturday, July 21, 2018
  •  ​On the 28th June 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited by ICICI Academy for ​L​ife ​S​kill ​T​raining ​C​enter ​H​ead​, ​ Mrs. Sushmita Chuckerbutty for creating awareness for their trainees as a part of social awareness.  Dr. Ravi Wankhede,​ Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur and Mr. Bulu Behera​, Organ ​T​ransplant ​C​oordinator ​conducted the session on deceased organ donation and transplantation.​ There were 150 trainees.


    ​D​r. Ravi Wankhede explain​ed​ to them what is Organ Donation​;  which organ and tissue can be donate​d​ after brain death​; which tissue​s​ can be donate after natural death​; the difference between live transplant​s and cadaver transplant​s; myths related organ donation​;  role of ZTCC for organ donation. ​He described a case of a deceased donation to impress upon the young minds the generosity of the family. He also request​ them  to use MOHAN Foundation website and helpline number​ to clear any doubts. ​


    Lots of queries were raised and answered satisfactorily. All of them took pledge form​s,​ five of them signed consent form and​ picked their donor cards, others w​ill discuses with their family​. MOHAN Foundation thanks  Ms.​ Sushmita Chuckerbutty and participants for supporting the noble cause.

    Source-Bulu Behera
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