MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur was invited on 9th January 2014 for a Organ Donation awareness rally organized by Dr. Keshava Walke, the NSS program officer of Matru Sewa Sangh Institute of Social Work, Nagpur. The camp was held in Tamas Wadi Gram Panchayat. More than 500 people were living there. Approximately 300 people were presented in the rally.
Organ transplant coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Miss. Kanchan Shewde & Mr. Bulu Behera were present in the rally. On the way one act play and short skit were performed by social worker trainees. Miss. Kanchan Shewde gave information to panchayat people about organ donation.
Matru Sewa Sangh Institute of Social Work students worked hard for the success. During the rally 10 people signed consent form and picked the donor card. 200 brochures were distributed to the Gram Panchayat people. The village people showed positive attitude towards organ donation .
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad