Organ Donation And Transplantation Talk At Akshay Pratishthan, Delhi

Updated on Wednesday, November 13, 2013
  • MOHAN Foundation (Delhi-NCR) was invited by Akshay Pratisthan for an awareness session on Organ donation and transplantation on the November 01, 2013. The talk was organized for MSW & BSW students placed at Akshay Prathishthan as well as the faculty members.

    Akshay Pratishthan was set up as a unique "experiment" in inclusive education. It now is supporting more than 450 children. Apart from education, Akshay Pratishthan is well known for its vocational training, medical care and employment opportunities. Ms Vaidehi Subramani, the Executive Director of Akshay Pratishthan had coordinated the session as she had done last year. The objective was to sesnitise the students on the issue of organ donation and also help them understand the role of Social workers and Medical professionals in this area.


    Amit Kumar represented the Foundation. The importance of National registry, Proactiveness of government and importance of raising the awareness levels of general public on the delicate yet daunting subject of Organ Donation were discussed along with other details in length. An intense discussion followed and the social work students from Jamia Milia Islamia college who volunteer with Akshay Pratishthan took an active interest in the discussion. Several questions on the religious reservations and restrictions were brought up in the interaction.

    More than 50 students attended the talk and 30 donor cards were taken.

    Source-Amit Kumar
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