MOHAN Foundation conducts an awareness talk on Organ Donation at Birla Soft

Updated on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
  • On 27th February 2014, Birla Soft requested MOHAN Foundation to speak to their staff about organ donation. The program was held in the conference hall in the office premises at T.  Nagar. Ms. Ramya and Ms. Thamarai of Birla Soft organized the event.


    Hemal  Kanvinde, of MOHAN Foundation conducted the session.  She spoke about the concepts of organ donation that included – brain death, organs and tissues that can be donated while living and after natural and brain death, myths about organ donation,   equitable distribution of organs, information sources and the relevance of pledging organs.


    There was a discussion on patient registries and organ allocation, eye donation and whether the benefits may be given to donor families. One person registered as a volunteer and 18 staff members registered as organ donors out of the 20 people who attended. 

    Source-Hemal Kanvinde
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