Dr. Christopher Taylor Barry, Transplant Consultant to the Government of Rajasthan and MOHAN Foundation Advisory Board Member, gave a lecture on brain death declaration to senior faculty members at SMS Hospital in Jaipur on 5 January 2015. Over 40 distinguished faculties were present, including Dr. Man Prakash Sharma who is Medical Superintendent and Brain Death Committee member at SMS. Dr. Barry spoke about the necessity of brain death declaration for organ donation, how to perform the exam and proposed SMS brain death protocols and procedures. He also visited all of the ICUs at SMS, speaking with the Nursing Staff and Resident Doctors on the importance of brain death recognition and declaration. SMS is poised to begin performing deceased donor kidney transplants from consented brain dead donors in the very near future.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad