Awareness Session at CANARA Learning and Development Centre, Jaipur

Updated on Thursday, May 23, 2024
  • On 23rd May 2024, conducted an awareness session at CANARA Learning and Development Centre, Jaipur. It was fantastic for the participants to know about organ donation and its life-saving potential.

    Smt. Kamla Chaudhary detailed about live and Deceased Organ donation at the CANARA Learning and Development Centre in Jaipur, which must have been incredibly informative for tabout 40 Canara Bank managers and employees.

    Events like these helps in dispelling myths and encourage people to consider the gift of life through organ donation.

    Participants asked their queries regarding organ donation. All the participants were asked to save the toll-free number 1800-103-7100 on their Mobile to enquire about organ donation.

    Also QR code for pledging on Organ Donation was shared, which was scanned by many participants.

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