Organ Donation Awareness at Rajasthan Police Academy

Updated on Wednesday, March 4, 2020
  • On 17th February 2020, MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum (MFJCF) delivered an awareness talk at the Rajasthan Police Academy. The audience was a group of 200 trainee police officers. Mrs. Ranju Jain and Major General Anuj Mathur from the Foundation were the resource persons.

    The session started off with the participants filling out a survey on awareness about organ donation. Mrs. Ranju began her talk with the importance of blood and eye donation. Following that Maj. Gen. Anuj Mathur made a presentation elaborating on the concepts of organ donation. Maj. Gen. Anuj Mathur then spoke on the following topics in detail:

    • Types of donors
    • Difference between brain death and coma
    • Organ and tissue donation while living and after death
    • Age criteria to donate organs
    • Transplantation of Human Organs Act
    • Myths and misconceptions around organ donation

    The audience was a highly interactive group, eager to learn more about organ donation. The MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum is thankful to the Rajasthan Police Academy for the opportunity.

    Source-Aditi Rohatgi
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