On 16th July 2017 MFJCF-Navjeevan team was invited by Government Senior Secondary School, Durgapura to deliver a talk on Organ Donation Awareness. More than 100 students attended the session.
Mrs. Hemlata Shah, Mrs. Kamla Chaudhary and Mr. Roshan Bahadur represented the MFJCF- Team.
Mrs. Asha Sharma, Principal welcomed MFJCF- Navjeevan Team members and addressed the students and staff members.
Mrs. Kamla Chaudhary and Mrs. Hemlata Shah gave vital information about Organ Donation and brain death with the help oof presentation which was highly appreciated by the students and t teachers.
During the session some questions were asked like
1. How can we pledge for our organs?
2. Who declares a patient brain dead?
3. Is the family consent necessary for Organ Donation?
All the satisfactory answers were given by MFJCF- Navjeevan members. After the end of the session teachers and students picked the donor cards and posed with message board.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad