Possibility of Organ Transplantation Services In Botswana

February 23, 2006
  • Organ transplants and organ bank in Botswana might become a reality .If legislator Mr.Tshelang Masis has his plans accepted this could lead to setting up of organ transplantation services.

    Legislator Mr. Tshelang Masisi has given notice that he intends to table a motion in Parliament calling for the establishment of an organ bank and transplant services in the country. Incidentally Mr.Tshelang Masihas been benefited by organ transplant.

    Botswana the southern African state,to date has a state policy not to fund organ transplants and organ donor bank. But with the mounting organ failure rates there is a need for such transplantation services.

    Public attitude is passionately for a change of policy and allow transplantation services.The health ministry, though perpetually claims that a donor bank, is not currently a priority because of cost implications and lack of evidence that it is really necessary, for such services.

    The public hopes that Parliament and government would see the sense of Masisi’s motion and act in the national good by catering for citizens who need organ transplants.This is an issue of grave concern that must be treated with the seriousness it deserves.

    With more and more countries opting for such transplant services the people suffering from organ failures in parts of African nations can be helped at large .

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