Organ Donation awareness talk for NSS students of Priyadarshani College of Engineering

Updated on Sunday, March 3, 2024
  • On February 16, 2024 MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session for the National Service Scheme (NSS) camp students of Priyadarshani college of Engineering at Deoli Gram Panchayat, Amgaon, Dist. Nagpur. Dr. Mangesh Borkar, NSS officer invited Mr. Bulu Behera as a speaker to sensitize camp students on subject Organ donation.

    Mr. Behera gave the following information.

    1) What is organ donation and why is it important to donate organs?

    2) Who can be an organ donor?

    3) Explanation about live and deceased donors

    .4) Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994

    5) Role of the MOHAN Foundation

    6) Myths and facts about organ donation

    7) Differences between coma

    8) Activities of MOHAN Foundation regarding organ donation?

    The following queries were asked by camp students

     After my death who will inform MOHAN Foundation?

     Is Diabetic patient can donate organs?

    Mr. Behera answered all the queries. Nearly 45 students were present and 6 of them signed the pledge consent form. MOHAN Foundation Thanked Dr. Borkar for organizing the session.

    Source-Bulu Behera
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