Organ Donation Awareness at Government High School, Kilambakkam

Updated on Tuesday, October 23, 2018
  • MOHAN Foundation was invited to the Government High School, Kilambakkam to deliver an awareness talk on organ donation to 9th and 10th standard students on 22nd October, 2018. The program was organized by Ms. Hepzibah Synthiah a former intern of MOHAN Foundation. The talk was delivered by Ms. Kaviya – Intern from MMM College and Mr. Siva Shankar, Helpline Executive – MOHAN Foundation. The program which began around 10.30 AM lasted for 2 hours. The Headmaster welcomed and introduced the MOHAN Foundation team to the teachers and students.

    The talk covered a wide range of topics including the following:

    • What is organ donation and why is it required
    • Rules and laws that are related to organ donation
    • Brain death
    • Importance of becoming an organ donor
    • Misconceptions and malpractices related to organ donation
    • MOHAN Foundation and its role
    • Role of students in organ donation

    Around 70 students attended the session which was very highly interactive and informative. The students listened to the talk with great enthusiasm and found it helpful in clearing up some misconceptions they had.

    MOHAN Foundation thanks Mr. Sudhir John, Headmaster, Government High School, Kilambakkam for giving an opportunity to conduct the program.

    Source-Arun Jose
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