CME on Deceased Organ Donation at KAMALNAYAN BAJAJ HOSPITAL, Aurangabad

Updated on Thursday, March 7, 2024
  • On Feb 22, 2024, MOHAN Foundation in partnership with Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital, Aurangabad conducted a CME on ‘Brain death  Cadaver Organ donation’. The CME was organized by Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital and MOHAN Foundation, in association with ZTCC-Aurangabad,

    Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, Aurangabad Urology Association,  Association of Anaesthesiology. The Program was inaugurated by CP Tripathi, Chairman Marathwada Medical  Research Foundation. Dr. Shivaji Sukre, Dean of GMCH and Diabetes expert Dr. Sanjeev Indulkar werefelicitated by Dr. George Fernandes, CEO of Bajaj Hospital for their exceptional contribution. Dr. Sudhir Kulkarni, former chairman of the ZTCC committee was the guest of honour and shared the journey of ZTCC Aurangabad and its role and gave an update on the Deceased donation programme in Marathwada region. He spoke from his heart when he spoke about the challenges and asserted the need for more hospitals to take up this mission.

    MOHAN Foundation’s Ms Veena Wathore provided ‘An Overview of Deceased Organ Donation in India’. Ms Jaya Jairam, Project Director MOHAN Foundation spoke on ‘Legal framework of Deceased Organ donation’.Dr Rahul Pandit, Critical Care Head at Sir H.N. Reliance Hospital Mumbai has been invited to speak on brain death identification, the associated nuances and pitfalls. Ms. Jaya Jairam played the Brain death Testing simulation video and conducted an Activity on Understanding Brain death.

    Other topics included sessions on Importance of Tissue donation, Marginal Donor – How far can we go, Maintenance of Brain dead donor.
    Ms. Jaya Jairam also spoke on ‘Grief Counselling and Making the Ask’ and played the training video on ‘Grief Counselling – The Right and Wrong Approach’. She also conducted an activity along with Dr Rahul Pandit on Organ donation Pathway.
    Over 300 doctors and Transplant coordinators attended the program.

    Source-Veena Wathore
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