Akhil Bhartiya Marwari Mahila Sammelan (ABMMS) celebrated World Liver Day on April 19, 2022, by organising a webinar to bring our focus on the liver and spread awareness about liver related diseases. It was organised under the leadership of Ms Sushila Farmania, Netr Deh Ang Raktdaan Prakalp Pramukh of ABMMS. Nearly 100 members of ABMMS attended the session.
On this day, Dr. Deepak Goyal (Director, Pediatric Hepatology, Fortis hospitals, Delhi NCR) shared valuable information on fitness of liver and liver diseases. He said that personal hygiene, regular exercise, good lifestyle, nutritious food were important for a healthy liver and life. As liver is a vital organ of human body, he discussed the important functions of LIVER as:
• Cleans the blood
• Regulates hormones
• Helps with blood clotting
• Produces bile and important proteins
• Maintains blood sugar levels
He also spoke about the diseases such hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver and their prevention.
The audience shared their experiences related to liver disease & asked queries how they could lead a healthy lifestyle with healthy liver, which were well answered by Dr Goyal.
Everyone appreciated the organising team & the informative presentation by Dr Goyal. Later Ms. Sushila Farmania, delivered a vote of thanks to Ms. Sharda, Ms. Sandhya & Dr Goyal for their time & efforts to organise the webinar.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad