Awareness talk on Organ Donation at Kishanpura Panchayat, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Updated on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
  • On 22.05.2018 MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum- Navjeevan team was invited by KishanPura panchayat Office to deliver an awareness talk on organ donation for the villagers.

    Mrs. KamlaChaudhari and Mr. Pavan Kumar Dubey represented the MFJCF team. Mrs. Anita Devi (Sarpanch) and Mr. Dinesh Kumar Meena (Gram Sevak) along with 35 people welcomed MFJCF team members and invited Mrs. KamlaChaudhari to deliver the talk.

    During the presentation following points were covered.

    1. Myths about Organ Donation.

    2. Types of Donation.

    3. Functions of Brain Stem.

    4. Organ Donation.


    After the questions answer session Mrs. Anita Devi thanked MFJCF team to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation at KishanPura panchayat.

    35 villagers took the donor cards and posed with message board "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION".

    Source-Mr.Roshan Bahadur
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