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V-Guard Boss Chittilappilly Donates Kidney to Save Life

February 25, 2011
  • KIDNEY.gif
    Chairman of V-Guard Group Kochouseph Chittilappilly has donated one of his kidneys to save the life of a man suffering from end-life renal failure.

    Dr George Abraham, Urologist and Dr Aby Abraham, Nephrologist led a team of doctors who performed the surgery at the Lakeshore Hospital in Kochi. The hospital sources have confirmed that Mr Chittilappilly and the recipient Joy Ulahannan are currently recovering from their respective surgeries.

    The V-Guard boss had decided to donate his kidney to a needy person after being inspired by the tale of Father Davis Chiramal, who had done the same.

    In gratitude for this gesture, the recipient Joy's wife has also pledged to donate her kidney to a needy person, PTI reported today.

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Posted By : odjeya aghogho, on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
i am odjeya aghogho,i have heard about donating kidney to save life,how can i a marine engi.

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