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Mathematical approach to asthma

December 26, 2005
  • According to study a mathematical model has been devised that can predict the potential attack of asthma.

    The positive aspect of the model is that it would help to asthmatics control their symptoms more effectively and improve the testing of new drugs.

    The prediction over the likelihood of an asthma attack occurring over the next month was made by looking at peak flow readings.

    The name of the model is the chaos model. The model the international team used is based on processes known as "chaos" which are applied to complex systems, such as the weather, that despite appearing random, actually are not and are dependent on the interaction of many individual components.

    In the words of researcher Professor Mike Silverman, from Leicester University, "It may be possible to determine the risk of a severe attack of asthma in individual subjects, and to use the information to modify their treatment. You might want to step up their medication or give them a flu jab, for example. It may also be possible to carry out clinical trials of new anti-asthma treatments in a much more efficient way than has been done in the past."

    Anything that will predict asthmatic attacks thereby allowing treatment to be given to prevent serious events occurring is a major step forward" said Asthma expert Professor Tak Lee.

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