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Woman Gets Windpipe Transplantation, After Growing the Transplanted Organ in Her Arm!

February 27, 2010
  • lungs_inhalation.gif
    Twenty five years ago, a Belgian woman, met with a car accident where her throat was crushed. The metal props used progressively made her life very difficult with constant pricking, pain and jabbing in her throat.

    A little over two years ago, doctors thought of a novel idea – windpipe transplantation, but first acclimatizing the donated organ to the body by grafting it to her forearm. About 10 months later when her own tissues had grown around it, doctors could successfully re-transplant it to her throat.

    They wanted to limit the use of anti rejection drugs and once the woman’s own tissues had grown around the donated windpipe, the body did not identify the donated organ as foreign body and attack it.


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