Programme Schedule

10th Annual Transplant Coordinators' Conference

Under the aegis of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT 2017)

Date: 13th & 14th October 2017

Venue: Brilliant Convention Center, Indore



Day I - 13th October 2017

10.45 am - 11.05 am


Dr. Anant Kumar, Dr. Manish Rathi, Dr. Sandeep Saxena & Dr. Vimal Bhandari

11.05 am - 11.25 am

Tea Break

11.25 am - 12.10 am

Swamy Narayan Memorial Oration "Women in Transplantation"

Dr. Nithya Krishnan (UK)

Chairperson: Introduction of Dr. Nithya Krishnan by Mr. K. Raghuram

12.10 am - 12.50 pm

Showcasing Organ donor families of Indore and Bhopal

Indore Society for Organ Donation (ISOD) and Bhopal Organ Donation Society - Mr. Sanjay Dubey, IAS, Dr. Sanjay Dixit, Mr. Nishant Warwade, IAS, Dr. Amita

Chairperson: Dr. Vimal Bhandari, Director, NOTTO

12.50 pm - 1.45 pm

Lunch Break

1.45 pm - 2.05 pm

Gaps in THO Act, 1994

Dr. Anil Kumar

Chairperson: Dr. Sunil Shroff

2.05 pm - 2.25 pm

Who signs consent as per the Law for Organ Donation? (Who is next of kin?)

Dr. Arneet Arora

Chairperson: Dr. P.S. Thakur and Dr. Manish Nigam

2.25 pm - 2.45 pm

Difficulties in switching off ventilation in a brain dead case when family says "NO" to organ donation

Dr. Nikhilesh Jain

Chairperson: Mr. Sudhir Deewan

2.45 pm - 3.05 pm

Progress with ROTTO-Our problems & challenges

Ms. Sujatha Ashtekar

Chairperson: Dr. Vimal Bhandari

3.05 pm - 3.25 pm

Tea Break

3.25 pm - 3.45 pm

Requirement of Uniform Declaration of death

Dr. Sunil Shroff

Chairperson: Dr. Anil Agarwal

3.45 pm - 4.05 pm

Presentation by nominees to Swami Narayan Best Transplant Coordinator Award

Ms. Angela Ditchfield

4.05 pm - 4.25 pm

What's new in Transplants - Liver-Is liver dialysis possible

Dr. Naimish Mehta

Chairperson: Dr. Manjula Balasubramanian

4.25 pm - 4.45 pm

What's new in Transplants - Lungs-DCD lungs better than DBD lungs/Use of Steen Solution

Dr. Sandeep Attawar

Chairperson: Dr. Julius Punnan

4.45 pm - 5.00 pm

Q & A Session

5.00 pm - 6.00 pm

General Body Meeting of NATCO

Day II - 14th October 2017

9.45 am - 10.00 am

Handling media - the do's

Dr. Avnish Seth

Chairpersons: Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram

10.00 am - 10.15 am

Handling media-the don't's

Ms. Pallavi Kumar

Chairpersons: Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram

10.15 am - 10.30 am

Tea Break

10.30 am - 12.00 am

Free paper presentation

Chairpersons - Dr.Sumana Navin, Mr. K Raghuram, Ms. Arati Gokhale, Ms. Bhavna Jagwani and Ms. Shilpi Varshney

12.00 am - 12.20 pm

Increasing organ donor pool - Expanded criteria donors

Dr.Ravi Mohanka

Chairperson: Mr. Nethaji

12.20 pm - 12.40 pm

Increasing organ donor pool - ABO Incompatible Donors

Dr. Vivek Kute

Chairperson: Mr.Sagayam

12.40 pm - 1.00 pm

Challenges in getting donation from BAME community in the United Kingdom

Ms. Angela Ditchfield

Chairperson: Dr. Narayan Prasad

2.00 pm - 2.20 pm

Role of induction in kidney transplant - What to use and when to use

Dr. Shruti Tapiawala

Chairperson: Mr. L. Satish and Dr. Rahul Shukla

2.20 pm - 2.40 pm

Computing costs of deceased organ donations

Dr. Olithselvan

Chairperson: Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi

2.40 pm - 3.00 pm

Difficult organ donations

Mr. Sanjay Rakibe

Chairperson: Dr. Amit Joshi

3.00 pm - 3.15 pm

Tea Break

3.15 pm - 3.35 pm

Counselling angry families for organ donation

Dr. Bhanuchandra

Chairperson: Dr. Ravi Wankhede

3.35 pm - 3.55 pm

Counselling angry families for organ donation

Lt. Col. Sandhya Ashok

Chairperson: Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthy

3.55 pm - 4.10 pm


4.10 pm - 4.30 pm

Organ Donation Helpline-Challenges

Dr. Hemal Kanvinde

Chairperson: Dr. Sunil Shroff

4.30 pm - 4.45 pm

Live Related transplants
*Forgery of documents
* How to prepare and scrutinize documents

Ms. Trilly Mathew

Chairperson: Ms. Sujatha Ashtekar

4.45 pm - 5.00 pm

*Counselling live kidney and liver donors about risks and benefits

Mrs. Surekha Joshi

Chairperson: Mrs. Lakshmy

5.00 pm - 5.15 pm

*Regional variations in documentation requirements

Ms. Vrinda Pusalkar

Chairperson: Mrs. Jayalakshmi

5.15 pm - 5.30 pm


5.30 pm - 6.00 pm

Valedictory Function