Organ Donation Awareness Session at the Geriatric Eye Camp, Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh

Under the auspices of AIIMS Rishikesh, MOHAN Foundation conducted an organ donation awareness session at Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh, in association with the Department of Ophthalmology at AIIMS Rishikesh on April 6, 2024.


The programme included general health check-ups, geriatric eye check-ups, and raising awareness about organ donation.


Mr. Sanchit Arora, Project Leader-MF posted at AIIMS Rishikesh, served as the speaker for the session, which was attended by the eye camp beneficiaries and members of Varishth Nagrik Kalyan Sangathan, Rishikesh.


The session commenced with Sanchit inviting participants to share their knowledge about organ donation. He then elaborated on the current status of organ donation in India, covering various topics in detail:


* What is organ donation, and why is it important to donate organs?

* Who can be an organ donor?

* Explanation of live and deceased donors

* Organ donation during life and after death

* Brain death

* Differences between coma and brain death

* Eye donation, skin donation, and steps required to preserve corneas after death

* Whole body donation

* Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, and Rules, 2014.

* What an individual can do to contribute to this noble cause

* Myths and facts about organ donation


Experience shared by a participant:


One of the members shared that he had registered for whole body donation with the Dadichi Deh Daan Samiti 10 years ago, and he still has the donor card.


Overall, the session was highly interactive, with participants enthusiastically contributing to the discussion and posing numerous queries. Some of the questions raised during the session included:


* Do medical students perform the last rites of the body after whole-body donation?

* If my death occurs in another state and I have pledged for organ donation in Rishikesh, how will my death be notofied?


Close to 20 participants attended the session.



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