MFJCF members and staff attended the this meeting held on 5th Oct. at University Commerce College at 4 PM.
It was organised by Govt. Of Rajasthan depicting the work done and prepared VISION 2030 Document of various departments. Regarding organ donation honb'le Chief Secretary mentioned that Rajasthan is the first state to start Green corridor in Bharat.
Also, a wonderful scheme of govt. is notified as Chiranjeevi Yojna, which  provide privilage of reimbursement of expense occur in organ transplant even in other states of Bharat for citizens of Rajasthan.
Schemes and initiatives taken by other department of Govt. of Rajasthan was been  depicted in the presence of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan.

MFJCF members and staff attended the this meeting held on 5th Oct. at University Commerce College at 4 PM.

It was organised by Govt. Of Rajasthan depicting the work done and prepared VISION 2030 Document of various departments. Regarding organ donation honb'le Chief Secretary mentioned that Rajasthan is the first state to start Green corridor in Bharat.

Also, a wonderful scheme of govt. is notified as Chiranjeevi Yojna, which  provide privilage of reimbursement of expense occur in organ transplant even in other states of Bharat for citizens of Rajasthan.

Schemes and initiatives taken by other department of Govt. of Rajasthan was been  depicted in the presence of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan.


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