MOHAN Foundation invited to put an information desk for organ donation at the flag hoisting ceremony at Cansualim, Goa

Dr. Amol Mahaldar, DNB (Nephrologist Renal Transplant Specialist), was invited as a guest speaker and to participate in the hoisting of the national flag to commemorate the 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, at the Jubilate Outdoor Community Hall in Cansualim, Goa, by the President and Management Team of the United Veterans Association, Goa.


Dr. Amol requested that Mr. Gabriel Pereira, a MOHAN Foundation organ donation ambassador, set up an information desk for organ donation at the venue.


Shri. Krishna (Daji) V. Salkar, Honourable MLA, Vasco Da Gama, and SGPDA Chairman, was the special invitee; other luminaries, captains, sarpanches, chairpersons, MMC, etc. were also present.


The veterans were honoured for their service to the country, as the emcee correctly stated, because they safeguard our borders so that we can feel safe and sleep soundly.


Mr. Gabriel distributed approximately 350 FAQs on organ donation to all attendants and set up a television to play the Brain Death video and a short animated presentation on organ donation. He also explained organ donation and which organs or tissues can be donated after brain stem death or circulatory death to the individuals who approached the desk.




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