Online One-Month ‘Transplant Coordination Professional Certificate’ Course for September 2022 batch Successfully Conducted

MOHAN Foundation successfully conducted the one-month online Transplant Coordination Professional Certificate course from 1st September 2022 to 30th September 2022. A total of 25 participants from India enrolled for the course - Andhra Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (1), Kerala (2), Maharashtra (2), Pondicherry (1), Punjab (2), Tamil Nadu (10), Telangana (1), Uttar Pradesh (2), West Bengal (1).

The participants were from various cadres of healthcare and other professions like doctor, nurse, dialysis technician, social worker, counsellor, administration and management. The participants were shared their credentials to access the resource materials made available on the e-learning platform -

As part of the course, weekend webinars were conducted on Saturdays (two hours) where participants were given an opportunity to attend the guest lectures and experience virtual interactions. The speakers included

  • Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Associate Director - Courses, MOHAN Foundation
  • Dr Navdeep Bansal, Organ Transplant Coordinator, PIGMER, Chandigarh
  • Mr. Haider Ali Khan, Liver Transplant Coordinator and Grief Counsellor, Care Group of Hospitals, Hyderabad

The sessions covered during the weekend webinars were:

Basic concepts of organ donation and transplantation - The participants were explained types of organ donors, organs that can be donated by both living and deceased donors, definition of brain stem death, functions of the brainstem, causes of brain stem death, different types of transplantation, rejection, immunosuppression, opt-in and opt-out systems, donor cards, and the family's role in organ and tissue donation.

Transplantation of Human Organs Act and its Amendments - A summary of Transplantation of Human Organs Act and its amendments were covered. The important components of the law and the list of legal documents required to facilitate organ donation and transplantation in a hospital setting were discussed with the participants.

Role of a donor coordinator in deceased donation programme - The steps involved in deceased organ donation and the stakeholders involved in facilitating deceased donation were explained. The discussion also covered topics including coordinating with recipient teams, brain stem death committee formation in the hospital, significance of conducting educational programmes for hospital employees. The session addressed the procedure for organ donation in a medico-legal case as well as challenging case studies encountered.

Role of a transplant coordinator in living donor transplant programme - The session highlighted the roles and responsibilities of a transplant coordinator in living donor transplant coordination as well as the procedures for living related, living unrelated and foreign national donation and transplantation.

Ethical aspects of organ donation and transplantation - The session covered the following components of medical ethics such as beneficence, non-maleficence, transference, justice, confidentiality and autonomy were discussed with the participants. As part of the discussion, some case studies were also shared and participants were invited to share their perspectives applying ethical principles to each scenario. 

As part of the course, participants appeared for an online examination. A total of 24 out of 25 candidates cleared the exam and received their completion certificates. The participants also shared their feedback about the course and the webinars.


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