Organ Donation Awareness at Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research

An awareness programme on organ donation was organised for the staff and students of the Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research on August 19, 2022. More than 250 medical, paramedical and non-medical staff and students participated in the event.


Dr.T.Ramesh, Managing Director, Adhiparasakthi Hospitals presided over the event. He spoke about the need for organ donation and urged the participants to take initiatives to spread the awareness. As an initiative to promote organ donation among the public, the institution has launched its donor card which was released by Dr.T.Ramesh. The institution has performed two renal transplants so far. The recipients and the donors were felicitated during the event.


Ms Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Associate Director, MOHAN Foundation addressed the gathering on the ‘Concepts of organ donation and transplantation’. Her talk included basic concepts such as living donation n and deceased donation, brain stem death and circulatory death, organs and tissues that can be donated, types of transplants and consent system followed in the world. She also emphasized the importance of donor pledge and discussing the wish with the family members. 


As part of the programme, awareness videos on organ donation were shown to the participants. The event also included ‘Organ Donation Pledge’ by the staff of the Institution. Around 200 participants had expressed their support towards organ donation by taking a donor card. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Rajkumar, Transplant Coordinator.


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