Organ Donation Awareness Session conducted at Training College of Nursing, IGMC Hospital Nagpur

On 10th August 2022, on the occasion of World Organ Donation Week MOHAN Foundation in association with Transplants – Help The Poor Foundation conducted an awareness session on Organ Donation for Batch -2, GNM students at Training College of Nursing, IGMC, Nagpur.

Dr. Chande Principal of this College, invited Ms. Prarthana to conduct an awareness session on organ donation.

 Ms. Prarthana began her session by introducing MOHAN Foundation and its activities. She then started her presentation by explaining the following contents

  1. What is organ donation?
  2. Types of donors- Living and Deceased donors
  3. Concept of Brain stem death was explained briefly
  4. Difference between organs and tissues was explained
  5. Circulatory death and what are the tissues that can be donated after circulatory death was explained
  6. Process of eyes and skin donation was explained.
  7. Donor Card and its importance
  8. MOHAN Foundation Helpline number was displayed to the audience
  9. Few stories about organ donors was shared with the audience.


Questions raised by the audience were as follows:


  1. Why HIV patients cannot donate their organs?
  2. Will there be a chance of using unclaimed bodies for research purpose?
  3. Procedure of brain death certification?


 The session was interactive and around 84 members participated in the session. All of them pledged their organs. We would like to thank Dr.Vaishali. Shelgaokar for organizing and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.



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