Module 2 of Organ Donation Ambassador training conducted in Feb 2022

The Ambassadors program involves three modules  - 

Module 1. 4 hour learning - Gift of Life Course

Module 2. 3 hour  virtual interactions with experts, understanding communication and practices of presentations.

Module 3. Public awareness done by the Ambassadors.


There were 8 participants for the training conducted on zoom on Feb 19, 2022 at 9 am.  Family members of a potential donor, a lung transplant recipient and school students  participated in the sessions. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde welcomed the volunteers and started explained the process of the training and expectations of MOHAN Foundation. The Ambassadors then introduced themselves and gave a feedback about the Gift of Life Course. Three of the volunteers were from USA and one student from Sharjah. 


In the session "Interacting with Experts", taking the queries were Dr. Sunil Shroff Managing Trustee, MOHAN Foundation, Dr. Ramdip Ray, Liver Transplant surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Kolkata, Ms. Jaya Jairam, Dr. Srivari Bhanu Chandra  and Dr. Hemal Kanvinde of MOHAN Foundation. The queries were related to  why the dearth of organs, and low rate of organ donation in India. The volunteers had many queries about the legal issues  and about Non-transplant centers and the ground reality of brain death declaration.  How can the Ambassador project help organ donation and what role can the volunteers play were also discussed.  Xeno transplantation  -  Pig’s heart transplant into a 50 year old man was highlighted as a new way to save a life. Dr. Bhanu Chandra narrated a case where the young wife of a donor immediately agreed to donation saying that it was God’s will that her husband should save lives. He highlighted that every effort must be made to counsel the family about organ donation. 


The next session on Modes of Communication was  conducted  by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde  through an illustrative presentation.  The various methods of reaching different audience in the  PreCovid times and during Covid times were explained. The participants agreed that they could use some of the methods to  create awareness. 


Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi conducted the session on Gratitude and Communication.  She asked the Ambassadors to put themselves in the shoes of a recipient and write a Thank you note to the donor family.  The letters written during this session were read out. It created an understanding of altruism among the participants 


In the next session Dr. Muneet Sahi, spoke about the best way to create a presentation. She highlighted that Concepts  presentation should contain the why, when, where and what as well of how of organ donation.  She demonstrated her slides  as an example. She reminded the volunteers that the presentation is a performance, and practice will help them out. 


The last session was of a feedback and planning of events by the participants. 



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