Nursing Students Sensitized through Angels of Change Workshop at K.G. Somaiya Nursing College, Sion

On 13th March 2020 on the occasion of World Kidney Day, Somaiya Nursing College, Sion Mumbai invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct a volunteering training workshop for about 40 nursing students of 4th year BSC Nursing students with the help of Vice Principal Mrs Jayshree Rajesh Salvi.

The ANGELS OF CHANGE Workshop supported by SBI Foundation started at 10am in the morning and Vice Principal Mrs Jayshree Rajesh Salvi introduced Dr Jimmy Gupta and Mr Nitin Tambe to the students as resource person for conducting the Angel of Change workshop.

Dr Jimmy started the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation, its mission, vision and philanthropy. She then familiarized students about the workshop they are going to attend and discussed what expectancy of students is in this particular cause of organ donation. Also she informed the ways students can collaborate to support this noble cause of organ donation.

Mr Nitin Tambe took the second session of Mind Mapping Activity and told students to discuss all the positive and negative thoughts coming in their mind related to organ donation. Through this activity the doubts in students just popped out in simple manner & they could also share the things which they usually hesitate to ask.

Next session was held by Dr Jimmy about the concepts of Organ and tissue donation. She explained the types of death viz. Cardiac and Brain Death and the organs and tissues that can be donated. She elaborated the procedure about bone donation which was new topic for the students. She also described that tissue donation (skin & eyes) can happen even at home which caught attention of the crowd and everybody started asking queries related to tissue donation which were answered promptly. She also discussed about Organ Donations that can happen in case of Brain Dead case and number of lives that can be saved by giving the examples of successful transplant stories articles and news about green corridor which was somewhat familiar to the students. Then Mr Nitin Tambe discussed about the religious barrier and myths related to organ donation.

As the students got aware about the whole process of organ donation we proceeded towards the activity of writing a thank you letter keeping the emotions felt by donors when they receive organs & live their second life. Many students participated in this activity and wrote very heart touching letters which were narrated later. After the short lunch break groups were made to do activities in they have to enact in different roles given and arrange in proper sequence so that they can understand the flow-process of organ donation in any situation given. Lastly Ms Jaya Jairam story of getting New Life through Organ Donation was shared explaining the importance of organ donation to the students so they can empathize the power of organ donation. Also they were invited to speak about the whole process of organ donation & feedback about the workshop. About 38 students attended the Workshop & about 30 students took pledge.

We thank all dignitaries including Principal Mrs Avani Oke and Vice Principal Mrs Jayshree Rajesh Salvi for inviting us and giving us the opportunity to conduct ‘ANGELS OF CHANGE’ Workshop on organ donation for nursing students.


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