MOHAN Foundation invited to train NGOs in Rohtak for creating awareness on organ donation

On February 25, 2020, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct a workshop for NGOs working in Rohtak on organ donation. The workshop was attended by over 50 representatives from local NGOs that included Red Cross Society, Rotary club, Ready To Help Foundation, Jan Seva Samiti etc. and was held at Zila Vikas Bhavan, Rohtak.


The main objective of the workshop was to help the NGOs understand organ donation and to equip them with adequate knowledge and skills to conduct effective awareness programs on organ donation.


The resource persons for the workshop were Dr. Muneet Sahi and Dr. Pallavi Kumar. Dr Muneet gave them an insight on organ donation with a few presentations and short films. Concepts elaborated upon included the why, how and when of organ donation, challenging the myths and misconceptions related to organ donation, brain death and  the importance of family members' consent in fulfilling the wish of those registered as organ donors. Ms Pallavi's presentation focused on public perception on organ donation and various tools and ways in which awareness can be created amongst the public. Some motivational and educational films were also screened to enhance the participants understanding and insight into the subject.


ADC Rohtak, Sh. Mahender Pal also attended the workshop and appreciated the interest by the NGOs and encouraged their efforts. He said that the program needed their support and involvement.


NGOs received the workshop with a great amount of energy and enthusiasm and have taken full ownership to spread awareness. Many of them also expressed interest in pledging their own organs first. After the workshop, a local co-ordination committee was created with 10 members, who will centrally plan awareness activities and coordinate with all of the NGOs. This was an initiative by the NGOs themselves. A local plan is being created with strategies to launch the awareness program in Rohtak.


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