Awareness session on organ donation at Anand Rathi Wealth Management at DLF Star Tower, Gurugram

On January 27, 2020, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation at Anand Rathi Wealth Management, DLF Star Tower, Gurugram. Mr. Hitesh Sharma Vice President of the company took the initiative to organize the awareness session for the employees. Ms. Pallavi Kumar was the resource person from MOHAN Foundation and was accompanied by Dr. Muneet and Ms. Shriya.

Anand Rathi established in 1994, is one of India's leading financial services firms. Anand Rathi Private Wealth Management provides wealth management services to high and ultra-high-net-worth individuals (HNIs & UHNIs). Their highly trained and specialized team of over 165 Financial Strategists engage with clients from across the country as well as those based abroad. 

Ms. Pallavi Kumar addressed the audience and acquainted the employees with MOHAN Foundation and how the Foundation spreads awareness in the field of organ donation. She interacted with the audience and explained to them the basic concepts of organ donation with the help of a powerpoint presentation. She told them about the types of donors and the organs that can be donated after death. 

While speaking on the subject of brain death, a short video was shown for better understanding and clarity. During her talk, she shared the current statistics of organ donation in India in comparison to other countries. She explained that Spain leads the world in organ donation due to an opt out system unlike India which is opt-in where people have to actively sign up to a register to donate their organs after death.

She threw light on Transplantation of Human Organs & Tissues Act 1994 (THOTA), an Act to provide for the regulation of removal, storage and transplantation of human organs for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of commercial dealings in human organs. 

She explained the different ways one could pledge to be an organ donor. She also emphasized the fact that pledging by signing a donor card or filling up an organ donor pledge form, in both situations it is important to bring the family in consensus with one’s wishes, as their decision will be considered final.

Ms. Pallavi also touched on the topic of myths and misconceptions related to organ donation and shared misconceptions that exist among people and sometimes these myths prevent people from signing up. Explaining the myth on whether religion prohibits organ donation, she explained that most religions endorse the act of giving and what bigger form of giving can there be than giving life to someone. She concluded her talk with few donor-recipient stories.

The session concluded with Mr. Hitesh’s vote of thanks. He appreciated the talk and the important work done by the Foundation in the field of organ donation. 

Close to 24 employees attended the session.


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