NSS Students of JBAS College for Women learn about Organ Donation

On September 3rd 2019, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mrs. Parveen Sultana, Faculty Coordinator of NSS and Lecturer in Department of Tamil, JBAS College of Arts and Science for Women to educate the NSS student members about organ donation. The programme began by 12:00 PM and around 32 students participated.


Ms. Ishwarya Thyagarajan of MOHAN Foundation addressed the audience beginning with an introduction of MOHAN Foundation followed by concepts of organ and tissue donation.

She elaborately explained many aspects of the topic and was assisted by Ms. R. Juhija, Bio- Statistician at the Foundation. She explained the Transplantation Act which included the offences and penalties related to organ donation as well.


Ms. Ishwarya explained following topics in detail:

Organ failure and causes

Who can donate organs?

When can organs be donated?

What is living donation?

What is natural death and brain death?

What is brain death and coma?

Age criteria to donate organs

What is the time period for organ retrieval?

Myths and misconceptions around organ donation


A few students also shared personal experiences of donation and transplantation involving their family members. Following the presentation the students were also trained to conduct a survey to understand the Islamic perspectives on organ donation and transplantation.


The program came to an end at 1:15 PM. MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Mrs. Parveen Sultana, the NSS Unit, the Principal and Management of JBAS College of Arts and Science for Women for the opportunity and their support with the research.


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