Organ Donation Awareness for Tamil Nadu Police Officials

MOHAN Foundation got an invite from the Tamil Nadu Police Academy to conduct an awareness program on Organ Donation for the SPs and DSPs in Cyber Lab on 12th October 2018. Mr. Ruban Victor, Transplant Coordinator and Mr. Siva Shankar, Helpline Executive represented MOHAN Foundation.

The session began around 3 pm by distributing survey forms to all the officers to understand their knowledge on organ donation. Mr. Siva Shankar started off by explaining the concepts of organ donation; the need for organ donation; and meaning of death. He listed the organs that can be donated while living, after cardiac death and after brain death. Brain death and its causes were the major topics discussed. He further explained the organ allocation process followed by the Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu, the government body.

Mr. Ruban Victor took over by explaining the role of police in organ donation. He explained the forms that the transplant coordinators give to police officers during an investigation. Mr. Ruban illustrated this using his experience at the Rajiv Gandhi Govt. General Hospital which helped the officers understand better. The officials were interested to know why the donor families were not being rewarded after agreeing to donate organs.

The session lasted for almost 1 hour, following which the officers were given posters that contained detailed information about their role in organ donation scenarios following brain death. MOHAN Foundation thanks Tamil Nadu Police Academy for giving the opportunity to speak about the cause to the officers. 


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