One Week Transplant Coordinators Training Programme at Ahmedabad

Looking at the increasing needs of Deceased Donation Programme in India, a training programme for Transplant Coordinators was organized in Ahmedabad from 20th February to 24th February 2012 in alliance with Shatayu, an NGO which works towards Deceased Organ Donation.


30 participants including Doctors, Para-medical staff and Transplant Coordinators from various hospitals across the city participated in the training. The training programme was conducted with an aim to train Transplant Coordinators, whose work is very crucial to the success of Organ Donation.


The first session started with the introduction to MOHAN Foundation in the field of Cadaver Donation and the important role played by Social Workers, ICU Nurses and Transplant Coordinators. Myths / facts related to Organ Donation were also touched upon. The training also saw Mr. Raghuram discussing the Concept of Brain Death and Cadaver Donation in the country. He also discussed counselling skills that a Transplant Coordinator should possess in order to be efficient while dealing with families of deceased. Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram enlightened everyone with the history of Transplantation and THO Act - 1994.


The workshop also saw presentations by eminent doctors on Chronic Kidney Diseases, Treatment and Prevention. A session on Chronic Liver Disease, its causes, Prevention and Statistics was addressed by Dr. Ravi Mohanka, Senior Transplant Consultant and Dr. Hitesh Chavda. Critical to the Deceased Organ Donation Programme is Grief Counselling which was addressed by Dr. Veerapandian, who threw light on the subject by conducting various role plays involving participants which helped get a better understanding of the topic.


The important topics like the ‘End of Life Care Issues in Organ Transplantation’ and ‘Psychiatric & Psychological Issues in Organ Transplantation’ was touched upon by eminent people from the hospital industry. A group discussion on Press Release, Documentation and Report Writing which also constitute one of the many responsibilities of a Transplant Coordinator were discussed in detail. The THO Act - 1994, Amendments and the various forms to be filled was discussed by Dr. Sumana, which brought participants to terms with the legalities concerned in the Cadaver Donation.


The Ethics in Organ Transplantation and Donation was addressed by Dr. Sunil Shroff who inspired us with heart rendering real life stories which helped participants get a real perspective on perusing Organ Donation as a cause.


The participants having got the best of knowledge and skills after one week intensive training seemed overwhelmed to work towards the noble cause of Organ Donation. 


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