Awareness talk in Organ Donation at Kaladera Panchayat

A programme under the project 'Panchayat Level O​rgan D​onation A​wareness'​ was conducted by MFJCF- Navjeevan Team on 10.04.2018at Kaladera Panchayat, Govindgarh, Jaipur to sprea​d the message to  villagers.


Mrs. Ranju Jain represented the MFJCF-Navjeevan team.

Mr. Vishnu Kumar Nagar (Sarpanch) and Mr. Ravi Prakash Sharma(General Secretary) welcomed MFJCF members and appreciated MFJCF's efforts for organ donation in Rajasthan.


More than 300 villagers and students attended the session and the vital information about organ donation was explained with the help of PPT and Videos. 

During the session some students shared own experience about organ donation and

Some questions answered by the team were: 

1. Why do we need to donate our organs?

2. I have heard that organs are sold in our country, is this true?

3. How can I add my family member in the kidney waiting list for transplantation?

After the session 100 villagers took donor cards and posed with message board ''I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION'' and gave a memento to MFJCF- Navjeevan team and promised to spread awareness amongst friends and family members.


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