Awareness programme organised by MOHAN Foundation, Odisha at Dept. of Sociology, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

On 30th January 2018, MOHAN Foundation, Odisha organised an awareness programme with the students and PhD scholars of Dept. Of Sociology, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. Ms. AninditaSabath, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation was the speaker for the programme.

The session started with a brief interaction with the students regarding their knowledge about Organ Donation. Most of them shared their ideas and views.

Ms. Anindita then started her presentation by giving an introduction about MOHAN Foundation and its major activities. She then spoke about the concept of Organ Donation, when can organs be donated, who can donate organs and most importantly how is organ donation beneficial to the society. She also discussed about the myths and misconceptions in the mind of the general public about organ donation and gave a brief idea about the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994.

A discussion session followed the presentation where the students raised many questions related to Organ Donation. Questions were asked regarding the barriers faced during motivating the people to be organ donors, what are the challenges faced for conducting awareness programmes in rural areas and what is the medium of spreading organ donation awareness among the rural people.

Brochures were distributed to all the participants. All the students were motivated for the cause and assured that they would spread the message of Organ Donation. At the end, 2 videos on Organ Donation were shown.

A total of 36 students and 3 dept. faculty members attended the session and an equal number of donor cards were picked up.


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